Nginx Download Mac Software

четверг 30 январяadmin

Aug 16, 2014  Installing PHP and Nginx on Mac OSX. Published Aug 16, 2014. Warning: this post is old and might not reflect the current state of the art. I’ll cover installing PHP on OSX via Homebrew on Nginx and PHP-FPM. Homebrew is the best package manager for OSX and it will help keeping everything up to date. Download my 10 free ebooks 📚. Nginx engine x is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server, originally written by Igor Sysoev. For a long time, it has been running on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Yandex, Mail.Ru, VK, and Rambler. According to Netcraft, nginx served or proxied 25.68% busiest sites in February 2020.

The nginx GUI makes maintenance easy


Builder release-1.6

If you want to download this package, please go to this link:

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这里提供了国内下载节点, 如果您无法通过以上连接下载release包,可以尝试从下方连接下载(但您需要支付流量费用):

New idea

If you like algorithms, you can implement them here.
In the future, it will be a nginx configuration file management tool library supporting complete modules and files.

Quick start

  1. Download the release package.
  2. Unzip pachage to your {dir}.
  3. Edit the {dir}/conf/, set your nginx path.
  4. Run {dir}/ or {dir}/startup.bat

How to use source code?

  1. If your system is Mac os or idea, please copy '' to parent directory。

  2. Please eidt '', fill in your nginx path to ''.

  3. Now, please experience!, default account and pwssword is 'admin'.

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When it comes to developing locally, there are many options for Mac users, including the dummy way of MAMP and XAMPP. However, for those who wants a NMP (Nginx, MySql, PHP) stack, it's not that simple. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through how to install these (plus the popular phpMyAdmin). The following has been tested on Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion.

To start with, we need to install Homebrew, a CLI tool that helps us install packages in a painless way. You can read more about Brew <a href='' target='_blank'>@ their official site</a>. Please note that MacPort is not compatible with Homebrew, if you have MacPort installed, uninstall it before installing Homebrew. To check if MacPort is installed, use which port

To install brew, open your Terminal and type

This will install brew nicely (note you need Ruby to do it, which comes pre-installed on most Mac). Before you install anything with Homebrew, use

to check if you are missing any dependencies or need to remove anything.

The next thing is to install MySql with

The output should be something like this

Then install default Nginx with

If you're looking to install Nginx with some additional modules, you might want to try the homebrew-nginx formula instead. Installation instructions are <a href='' target='_blank'>available here</a>

The output should be something like the following

And finally, let's install PHP. Because the PHP formula we want (<a href='' target='_blank'>Github Repo Link</a>) doesn't come with default Homebrew installation, we can't just do a brew install php. First we need to tap a special channel to obtain the formula Mathscript for mac os labview 2018.

This allows us to install PHP without Apache build and with FPM. For more options (like if you wanna install PHP 5.5 instead of 5.4), see <a href='' target='_blank'>formula readme</a> for more information.

And last but not the least, we need to install phpMyAdmin. But before we do, we need to check for the $PHP_AUTOCONF variable. This is required for the phpMyAdmin installation process, or you will get the following error message

You can check for the value of $PHP_AUTOCONF by echoing it. The following is the path of my autoconf installation, yours may vary.

If you get only a blank line, you need to find out if autoconf is installed. If not, you can install it with brew install autoconf

Once you have the value, use an editor of choice to put the variable into your ~/.bash_profile configuration like so

Quit and start the terminal again and do another echo $PHP_AUTOCONF to confirm. Once you have that done, we're ready to install phpMyAdmin

And you should expect output like so


Now that you have installed everything, time for configuring. All the following steps are optional

Start services when log in

Mac places the services that run at startup in a folder called ~/Library/LaunchAgents. If you wish to start these services at startup, you need to copy their individual .plist files from their directory to the LaunchAgents folder like so

Note: After copying them over, change ownership of all .plist files to that of root/admin to prevent any ownership issues.

As for starting and stopping a particular service, there are two options

  • Use the executable. $ sudo /usr/local/Cellar/nginx/1.4.3/sbin/nginx -s reload
  • Loading/Unloading the .plist $ sudo launchctl load homebrew.mxcl.nginx.plist

However, the .plist is not always accurate because it success silently and fails silently. If you're using the load/unload method, always check whether the process is running with

These information can all be found in the output during after installation. If you can't find them by some means, you can use

to get a list of directories related to the package.


First let's cover some basic configuration. PHP FPM can run on a Unix socket or IP port, with the latter being the default. However, when you have multiple virtual hosts running on different ports, it's best not to use IP port in FPM configuration. Luckily, we can change that in the /usr/local/etc/php/5.4/php-fpm.conf.

Change the configuration from

to the following

and restart PHP-FPM

PHP Configuration

The php.ini governs how PHP behaves. In this tutorial, I'll only cover a best practice and configuring extensions.

In /usr/local/etc/php/5.4/php.ini, you will find the line

You should change the value to 0. The reason for doing so is outlined in <a href=''>this post</a>

If this number is kept as 1, the php interpreter will do its best to process the file that is as near to the requested file as possible. This is a possible security risk. If this number is set to 0, conversely, the interpreter will only process the exact file path—a much safer alternative.

Nginx Configuration

Configuration files for Nginx is different from its installation directory. On both Snow Leopard and Mountain Lion, the Nginx configuration files are located in

First we would need to create 3 directories

  • conf.d holds commonly used configuration
  • sites-enabled holds all virtual host configuration
  • logs for all log files

Then we are going to edit the nginx.conf to the following

Before setting up virtual host, first let's set up PHP-FPM configuration. Create a file called php in conf.d directory and place the following content

Then in the sites-enabled directory, create a file called pma and place the following content

Test your configuration with

If successful, you can restart your Nginx configuration with

Note: remember to create the host in /etc/hosts and the log files specified.

Fire up your browser, point it to and you're ready to Rock n' Roll! (Psssst, the default login for MySQL is root/root)

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